Saturday, June 12, 2004

Wow - Lots of things to respond to...!
First, Leslie: I totally agree about the dissing people thought. It's really tacky to make fun of people who are in any way vulnerable. As Christian Titus pointed out to us, to be truly funny is to know what is within bounds and what is off-limits. People you know are off-limits. People who are vulnerable in any way are off-limits. People who are famous and/or powerful in anyway are completely OK to make fun of. Making fun of yourself is OK as long as you don't take it seriously. The problem with making fun of people you know is that it is hurtful and can do greater damage than you might think. Things have a way of escaping your control. (has that ever happened to any of you?)

Ida & Eleanor: I've psyched that you are both writing! Maybe you could copy and paste some of your material into this blog and we can get this progressive novel written here...?

The dates for the LOTR field trip will have to be between Aug. 18th and Aug. 25 as I am pretty busy with the video contest and my reference desk duties.

Matty: Shiver me timbers, girl! You've got this Harry P. thing going and coming. I guess I'd better get cracking on that 5th book.

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