Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hey Everybody!
We are resurrecting this Duxbury Free Bookmarks blog and we need new postings and contributors!
If you want to contribute, let me (Ellen ) know and we get this show on the road!

Philip Pullman rules!
Stephenie Meyer is amazing.... am i right?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sam Doolittle and friends are going to revive this blog - go Sam!
So far, we have the following people who have access to it: (it's kind of an old list)
Ellen Snoeyenbos
Bobby Cline
matty roumacher
Ida A
Jeremiah Hogan
Emma Taylor-Salmon

The following people have been invited but have not joined:

Anyone else from the fabulous "Bookmarks" group want to be invited?
Just email me:

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hi Eleanor!
We haven't been very good about keeping this blog up-to-date and relevant. I'd like to encourage more use of it.
How are you! I've been wearing those great fingerless gloves you made for me last winter. Everyone wants them, now. How is the college search going? Have you finished applying to your top choices?
Ida got into Smith early decision, which is really great. Great school, and where she seems to want to go.
We've been having some serious discussion about how to keep The Bookmarks alive and stimulating so a lot of ideas are being generated.
Books I have read lately and really enjoyed include: Atonement by Ian McEwan, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Deb Caletti, Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin, Jonny Magic and the Card Shark Kids: How a gang of geeks beat the odds and stormed Las Vegas by David Kushner.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

i feel that since there has been no posting since october, it my duty to say something.
well, the most interesting news i have is that the library in my town (chatham, not northfield) is building a manga/graphic novel collection.
if any of you have suggestions for really good manga or anime or graphic novels, please send them my way. the more the merrier.

in other news the Iliad and the Odessey are very cool poems. and the book "Ithaka" by Adele Geras is very good.

oh, by the way, is the lord-of-the-rings-guy (Micheal Drout?) coming to speak at the library this year? and if so, when?

happy new year,


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just got back from seeing the new Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley in Edinburgh. We had mixed feelings about it compared to the BBC version with Colin Firth. Must dissect ad nauseum...

We're coming home tomorrow and have a piece of nasty HP gossip for you, Matty, but you'll just have to wait 'til Wed. to find out. I got a DVD on all the Harry Potter locations which we can screen at our Wed.s meeting.

Northumbria was great! Castles, walking, fish-and-chips, pubs, pubs, pubs. The drinking age is 18 BTY. Anna was soooo funny.

See you all in a couple of days...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Sounds like you had a great trip, Eleanor,
We are putzing around here in Duxbury, enjoying the last free weeks before school starts up again.
I'm excited to see how much reading the YA summer reading program will total. Lots of people participated and some are raising money through the read-a-thon pledging to fund libraries in Afghanistan.
I am going off in a few weeks on my walking trip along the NE coast of Northumbria, England. If you want to get a feel for the area, read Nancy Farmer's new adventure novel, Sea of Trolls.
It is a coast of ancient castles and we will be walking about 61 miles, then taking the train back to Edinburgh. The last castle we visit will be Alnwick (pronounced "annick") which is where the Quidditch matches for hte Harry Potter movies were filmed. It should be good fun!

Have a great year at Northfield/Mt. Hermon and keep in touch!
We need more writers on this blog, guys....

Monday, August 22, 2005

I just go back from Baltimore. ^_^ 'twas much fun. I got to go to an Anime convention. I went to a pannel about my favorite webcomic, "megatokyo". (I recommend it to those of you who like anime). I also saw some of "ranma 1/2", which was very funny. (if the anime festivals are still happening at duxbury, that would be a good anime to show. by the way, if they are still happening, when are they? ,and how often do they happen?).

sadly I doubt that I will make it to duxbury before I have to go back to school. alas, alas. for I have far too much packing to accomplish. **sigh**
