Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hi everyone!
I haven't posted in a while. I forgot about this actually. Oops. I have a bad memory. I am going to be around pretty much all summer. I was planning on hibernating all summer but I like your plan better. I am pretty sure I can go but I have to ask my mom and stuff.
Sorry I wasn't at book group today. I wasn't in school either for reasons I really don't want to talk about. Ellen, I am so sorry, I keep forgeting the 10 dollars. I will try my best to bring it next week but I know I will forget again. I don't like Harry Potter so I am in no rush to go see it. I would rather go see something like "The Day After Tommorow."
Did anyone else notice that the movie reviews in the rolling stones always say "The best movie of whatever season it is?" You really can't have 5 best movies of the same season.
Why can everyone but me write poems? I can't write at all. When I try the poem comes out all screwed up. When I write poems for school I always fail them.
I am probably going to go to my room and be depressed for a while (yes it is actually possible for me to be depressed for all those disbelievers) or maybe just sit in a chair somewhere and be sad.
Goodbye y'all (I swear I am not a red-neck I go to family reunions just to see my family, not to pick up dates)

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