Wednesday, June 30, 2004

so, how was book group?
is ms. ellen back yet? (How was florida?)
anyway... please come to my blog, i would really appreciate some comments or suggestions.
also, i thought of another story, but i'm not sure if i want to make it into a blog...

see ya later!
hey all. louisiana is pretty good.

i also finished ch 1 on my story. ellen kindly put the link up for me.

email me at

Monday, June 28, 2004

so when is this road trip every one keeps talking about? i am determined to come.
I finished reading the Pit Dragon Trilogy by Jane Yolen, it was very very good! Some one please put gold stickers on "Dragon's Blood", "Heart's Blood" and "A Sending of Dragons" for me, at the next book review group. i also read "The Others" by Jean Thesman, it was good too, but i don't think it deserves a gold sticker.
when are we going to the lord of the rings exhibit?

See ya later!

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Yeah, Matty, I was bummed about missing Amelia.
But otherwise, it's been fun meeting so many author who continue to say that libraries are VITAL to a healthy democracy! Considering how badly we are paid, it is nice to know that we are upholding our corner of the tattered American flag of Free Speech. Richard Clarke, the terrorist expert was awesome and really P.O.d at the current State of Affairs. Julie, Marlana and Leslie are in Colorado now, right? I wonder how that's going. Hope they're having a great time! Let's plan a Road Trip when I get back.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Because librarians saved his first book, Stupid White Men, from oblivion, Michael Moore loves librarians! He is donating a screening of Fehrehiet 911 to us on SUnday night at 10 p.m. so I'm GOING! We'll see what all the fuss is about. I'm sure it is pretty strong anti-Bush rhetoric, but, what the heck.
I will probably still want to see it again when I get back to cool, calm Duxbury, so let's make plans. Don't forget that the FCC made it R-rated (which is really bogus and probably very political, by the way....)
Hi folks!
I'm here in Orlando.
Just got a copy of Trickster's Choice autographed by Tammy Pierce.
She says she looks forward to having lunch with us in Boston on Labor Day Weekend!!!

I missed Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, but the conference is going OK anyway. I get to see Richard Clarke as a speaker this PM (he's the national security guy who wrote the book) We get to go to Universal Studios tonight for FREE!!! Yay Proquest Databases - they're footing the bill. I already went but didn't get into The Mummy or Shrek so I guess that's what I'll do tonight. Florida is hot. Gatorland was cool, but kind of gory. I got to hold a small alligator and watch some big ones jump up to eat whole raw chickens. That was real messy...
See y'all next week!
P.S. Good for you for getting the novel started! It sounds pretty good so far. Chapter one, Leslie, chapter 2, Katie, did I get that right? Don't forget to play off the last chapter when you write.
More later.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

sorry the last post posted 2 times i dont know why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stupid COMPUTER!!!!
The winds kicked up the last of the dry dirt into the cool damp air. The storm was finnaly coming, I ran for cover when I heard the ran fall harder. I sank to the ground under the blueberry bush as I heard the finnal scream of my father as he let the weather take him alive. I could feel the sun as I got up from the mud, crying, my father and I were the only ones left. and he had given himself for me. The storm had past, like the others had for centuries, but I couldn't get used to it because everytime it came, it took someone with it. I stoped it was silent. No birds, No crickets, No gentle wind, I realized that I had been stupid to think the storm was over. and then I saw it The winds. The massive clouds of the storm were coming back, It was to late, I ducked I felt 1,000s of pounds of pressure pushing down on my back. I couldn't breath.

ummmm... I guess this is a chapter so HERE!
The winds kicked up the last of the dry dirt into the cool damp air. The storm was finnaly coming, I ran for cover when I heard the ran fall harder. I sank to the ground under the blueberry bush as I heard the finnal scream of my father as he let the weather take him alive. I could feel the sun as I got up from the mud, crying, my father and I were the only ones left. and he had given himself for me. The storm had past, like the others had for centuries, but I couldn't get used to it because everytime it came, it took someone with it. I stoped it was silent. No birds, No crickets, No gentle wind, I realized that I had been stupid to think the storm was over. and then I saw it The winds. The massive clouds of the storm were coming back, It was to late, I ducked I felt 1,000s of pounds of pressure pushing down on my back. I couldn't breath.

ummmm... I guess this is a chapter so HERE!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Hey Guys some one was talking about writing the first chapter of a story so here is mine um...yea and this is leslie if you don't know

Chapter 1 of some story cant think of title

Vira galloped through the forest that was thick with snow. Little flurries of snow still fell lazily from the tree tops mixing with the early morning light and little bits of green from evergreen trees. She came upon a small clearing and stopped to soak up the beauty of the sunrise and to study her surroundings. She looked over her shoulder with this uncontrollable feeling that there was someone following her but shrugged it off when she saw no one. Where was she, she wondered. Her eyes scanned the clearing around the wine red scarf covering all but her eyes protecting her face from the cold. She looks around taking everything in with eyes of green like the trees surrounding the clearing she was in. Her horse Brial fidgeted at the surrounding snow drifts but quieted swiftly from a quick pat from Vira. Then off in the distance she sees a lone rider standing out faintly among the trees. He looks armed and dangerous but peaceful at the same time. His horse is slow, picking its way among the underbrush and around trees in the surrounding forest. She looks on with curious eyes. The rider sees her. He starts foreword just a little faster now. She puts her hand to her sword as he comes closer; she was ready for any potential threat for the kings swords master taught her well. Studying his face she sees kind sharp eyes that are both as gray as the sky before a storm. He has his hand on his hilt too as he stops his horse about a yard away. His face is covered like hers, except he has a gray scarf. His eyes met hers with a searching look and then another look she couldn’t quite catch before they became shadowed. He looked up towards the sky, “Lovely morning for a ride, don’t you think?” She nodded. She couldn’t figure out this odd stranger, “Hello.” He looked at her, “Why hello, how rude of me to skip introductions,” he held out his hand, “My name is Sir William, and yours my…lady is it? I can’t tell with your scarf.” She blushed and made no move to pull off her scarf, just held out her hand to grip his, “My name is Lady Vira.” He smiled and removed his scarf revealing sand colored hair and a mischievous smile. She estimated he was about a year or two older than her, “Finally you say something, I was afraid maybe you couldn’t speak or something.” She laughed a little, “You aren’t the first to believe such a thing.” He smiled. She looked at him curiously, he carried a large pack as if he had been traveling a long hard time or was planning to. He looked at her again, “Are you hungry? I am starving.” She nodded because in truth her stomach was rumbling. She had rushed out leaving no time to grab any sort of food. William looked at the pack on his back, “Of course I have food but I find myself too lazy. I’d rather get it at a local tavern. Would you like to join me?” She nodded. That was one thing she had in abundance, money. Just the word it’s self left a bad taste in her mouth but it was crucial to survival. William turned his mount after trotting a little ways away, “Well, aren’t you coming?” She nodded and trotted her horse next to his. He chatted along about his relatives and asked her easy yes and no questions. She wasn’t paying much attention to him as she studied his mount. He had a beautiful white gelding, majestic and fierce as any stallion but more loyal and gentle. He was rambling on about elves, “They’ve been seen a lot-” “Where did you get such a beautiful horse?” He looked surprised and then smiled, “You are a strait forward little thing aren’t you? Well I got Snow Dancer here when he was born four years ago. My father wanted me to learn to train my own horse by myself so I did.” She smiled, “Wasn’t it a challenge training such a strong willed beast?” William leaned forward and patted Snow Dancer on the neck, “He’s a good horse and a better companion.” Vira nodded, “I can see that.” Then the two continued riding onwards until they broke out into an open field. Across the field was a small town, “The tavern is just there, are you going to join me?” Vira nodded and they both broke into a gallop. With a rush of adrenaline and appreciation of such a beautiful day that can not be put into words, they raced like children. Vira started laughing for the mood had lightened considerably. William was right in front of her and stopped short in front of the tavern followed by a whirlwind of snow. They tied up there horses in an old barn. Probably the only barn in such a small town such as this. They walked in and Vira followed William’s lead of hanging her jacket on a coat rack and then sitting down at a corner table. William bowed, “I shall get a drink for the masked lady.” She laughed; she hadn’t taken off her mask though it was too dangerous. It was when she was sitting alone with her head in her hands when she saw the sword blade slip below her throat. She was just a hair too late to move and now was trapped, “Damn! So who are you and what do you want?!” She heard a chuckle from overhead, “I only want a run away princess who has a pretty penny as a ransom on her head.” She knew there had been some one following her she should of paid attention. She sighed, “So you want to have a waltz with death too?” William approached and started to draw his sword, “Don’t be foolish Sir William. This is probably some duke or something,” She looked up slowly, “So what are you anyway?” She was getting angry. The man chuckled again, “A duke, how could you tell?” Then in a flash she slid away and pulled out her sword, pointing the blade at his neck, “All dukes are horrible swordsmen and I’ve herd have a thing for the romanticism kind of capture.” With a yell the duke leapt towards her, “Don’t mock me you silly princess brat!” Vira slashed and he fell, stunned not killed. William stood stunned, “Who are you really?” She grabbed his sleeve and dragged him towards the door, “Are you coming with me or not?” She flung on her jacket and he grabbed his, “Of coarse I’m coming.” There was a yell behind them as the duke lurched to his feet, “Why you little girl” Both William and Vira ran and jumped on there horses galloping towards the trees, the duke close on their heels

Sunday, June 20, 2004

is there ever a time that it is right to be wrong or wrong to be right or even when u know everything at a time where u need to know nothing?

Friday, June 18, 2004

i just finished "Dragon's Blood". it was really good. i couldn't put it down. now i have to read the next book in the series.
has anyone started the bookgroup "progressive novel" yet? if anyboy has please post it so i can help write it. (thank you)
hmmm...not much to say, and if not in the mood to write random poetry, so i guess i'll go work on my blog

see ya!

p.s. matty, my email:

Thursday, June 17, 2004

when are you going to Farenhiet 9-11? if it is possible, i'm coming! another road trip (yet another chance to show the world just how freakish the book review group is. sounds like fun!).

anyway i'm now in cape cod (i geuss i have semi-officially moved now (?). 'tis sad), but i'm allowed to come back for book group trips, even if it means i must "borrow" one of my parents and their car and drive back myself!

i am plotting my inevitable return!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Hi folks!
Summer is FINALLY here!!!!
I know what Katie means - the thing is, as you get older, you find out that it is a gas to keep learning and reading about stuff even if you're not in school. School and education was not equal to each other. School is only a sub-set of education....
I'm glad you guys are meeting next week without me. Just don't eat up in the YA area as it tends to get trashed.... No reflection on you guys, of course...heh..heh...
We should all plan o go to Farenheit 9-11 together. Colin's mom is revved up to go, so we shiould be able to get to it. It will probably only be showoing in arty movies houses in Cambrisge or Brookline or something.... Road Trip!

P.S. Eleano'r blog link finally works. Now we should take up Dan's challenge and start writing our progressive novel. Anoyone redy to write the first chapter? I can always contribute from Florida...
ok why is it that people are so glad for summer? well maybe because they don't relizes the importance of a good education. why would someone not want to learn more to be smarter intelligence is a very high power and should be apperciated.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

i tried to make a link to my blog, but it failed. 'tis very sad. i think that you might have to be an administrator or something to do that. i do not know, alas...

i have my own blog now! i wrote a 1st chapter for this book we're going to write, but then i decided i liked tit too much to trust other people with my characters, so now i'm going to put on my blog.
its at:

Kissing Kate is a good book and I gave it the gold sticker. READ IT!

Monday, June 14, 2004

*finals are evil! (had to mention that)
so, i finished another book, "Kissing Kate". it was very good, it deserve the gold sticker it has previously been awarded. Now i'm going to try to read "Child of the Prophesy" before friday (when i go to cape cod for the summer)

i think that i am going to start my own blog for my writing. i'll set it up after the insanity of finals is over.

see ya at book group!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Wow - Lots of things to respond to...!
First, Leslie: I totally agree about the dissing people thought. It's really tacky to make fun of people who are in any way vulnerable. As Christian Titus pointed out to us, to be truly funny is to know what is within bounds and what is off-limits. People you know are off-limits. People who are vulnerable in any way are off-limits. People who are famous and/or powerful in anyway are completely OK to make fun of. Making fun of yourself is OK as long as you don't take it seriously. The problem with making fun of people you know is that it is hurtful and can do greater damage than you might think. Things have a way of escaping your control. (has that ever happened to any of you?)

Ida & Eleanor: I've psyched that you are both writing! Maybe you could copy and paste some of your material into this blog and we can get this progressive novel written here...?

The dates for the LOTR field trip will have to be between Aug. 18th and Aug. 25 as I am pretty busy with the video contest and my reference desk duties.

Matty: Shiver me timbers, girl! You've got this Harry P. thing going and coming. I guess I'd better get cracking on that 5th book.
Yeah, there is book review next week. We're goning to meet at the library and them go to Farfar's! Yay!

I'm thinking of starting my own blog and posting my stories so you all can read them when i'm not in duxbury anymore :,( . if i start one i'll let you know.

see ya at bookgroup
~Eleanor the Wolfalker

Friday, June 11, 2004

i made the first chapter of my story.

yea... um... yea...

is there gonna be book group this wednesday?

okay... so Ms. Soneyenbos wanted to know my summer schedule. Here goes:
i'm going to camp on july 25 and i get back on august 18. and i have to be at school on august 27-28.

anyway... i have started a first chapter for this book we supposed to write. this will be interesting indeed. my chapter is kinda strange 'cause i'm not sure of the plot...then again i might decide that i ;like the idea too much to turn it over to other writers...

~Eleanor the Wolfwalker

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Saying HELLO TO THE PEOPLE of computer town USA if ur not a resident, How the heck are you reading this?

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

People sometimes don't know what they're saying they insult someone and don't understand that it hurts others. They are sometimes trying to be cool but end up making fools of themselves in the process or even worse they are encouraged by the people around them by the laughs at their "joke". It's not funny and people should think of what they're saying before they say it. Definitely.
Hey, people,
that last posting was really Katie on me machine.
We'll have to fix this....
I was sent to Earth to inform you of the idea of intelligent life form by the name of Dan Goldman he has given you a chance to get creative. His idea was for you yes, YOU! to write the first chapter in a book and share it with your friends at book review then we will decide what idea is suitable to write a book . . . A WHOLE BOOK!!!
Soooooooooooooo . . . Get writing NOW!!! THAT'S AN ORDER.
over and out
-Your informer
Why do alot of people say stuff like, "I'm going to kill you," . It's so very hateful. People insult even their friends every day constantly. Sometimes some of it is all in good fun you can laugh and joke and no one gets hurt. But alo of the time it goes way to far, rascism, segregation, that kind of thing. I can't name the amount of times I've felt so put down by my friends. I mean I never say anything and just laugh it off but why all the hate? Is it entirly nescissary? I mean arn't most of the people I know like in the book club better than that. Do people really need to tell others that they're going to "kill them" or beat there "a**es* Why?

Yes I am actaully looking for other peoples opinions here.


yea really

stop asking questions!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I have not yet seen Harry Potter...perhaps this weekend...
anyway Troy is good (the book, i haven't seen the movie). I recommand it to anyone who likes Greek mythology,
Sadly i shall be unable to attend book review this week. I have to stay after to get extra help in french for the exam :( so it anything important comes up please tell me!
are we meeting next week? and when are we going to the LOTR exhibit?
see you all later!

~Eleanor the Wolfwalker
(does anyone else use their nickname?)

Monday, June 07, 2004

Hey guys -
I saw Harry Potter yesterday and ran into a lot of you there: Pat, Colin, Kim, Tory...
Wow. I definitely thought it was the best of the movies so far.
I've got to read the fifth book still...I'll probably take it down to ALA in Orlando to read.
What say you?

Saturday, June 05, 2004

I finished yet an other book. I started "Shattered Mirror" yesterday and finished it the same day! i couldn't put it down. I recomend it to all vampire fans (but you've probably read it already) ("i do 2!!!!!" said Lillian). Now I am reading Troy. Its pretty good so far
so...there is a meeting next week?
hmm... what else have i to say...
i might have a philosophical discussion idea...
What makes something real? (yes, i do belive that i have brought this up in some form at least ten times this year)

as shadows dance

shadows dance
while night sings
and i gaze upon them in wonder
the world i know is so far away
hesitant steps lead
into the unknown
strange shadows cast
bend my sights to imagination
as i follow the light of the waxing moon

well, that poem just jumped into my head an demanded to be written...if that makes any sense...yeah it was kinda odd...
~Eleanor the Wolfwalker

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hi everyone!
I haven't posted in a while. I forgot about this actually. Oops. I have a bad memory. I am going to be around pretty much all summer. I was planning on hibernating all summer but I like your plan better. I am pretty sure I can go but I have to ask my mom and stuff.
Sorry I wasn't at book group today. I wasn't in school either for reasons I really don't want to talk about. Ellen, I am so sorry, I keep forgeting the 10 dollars. I will try my best to bring it next week but I know I will forget again. I don't like Harry Potter so I am in no rush to go see it. I would rather go see something like "The Day After Tommorow."
Did anyone else notice that the movie reviews in the rolling stones always say "The best movie of whatever season it is?" You really can't have 5 best movies of the same season.
Why can everyone but me write poems? I can't write at all. When I try the poem comes out all screwed up. When I write poems for school I always fail them.
I am probably going to go to my room and be depressed for a while (yes it is actually possible for me to be depressed for all those disbelievers) or maybe just sit in a chair somewhere and be sad.
Goodbye y'all (I swear I am not a red-neck I go to family reunions just to see my family, not to pick up dates)