Wednesday, September 15, 2004

It's good to hear from Eleanor!
We miss you but are glad to know you're still just a "click" of the mouse away.
I am getting ready to embark on my ten day vacation out to the Heartland of America.
Dropping Anna off at Univ. of Chicago, then on to points unknown.... We were planning to venture southward and explore Mammoth Caves in Kentucky, but Ivan the Terrible to marching ever northward, bringing rain, wind and flooding in his wake. I think Canada is looking better and better...!
Talking to Tamora Pierce about the use of magic got me to thinking. Many is the time I've wished for a bit of magic to get me out of a situation or two. She emphasized that she doesn't use magic as an "escape hatch." That's just too easy and not realistic. Instead, she sees magic as just another part of someone's personality - frequently one that needs to be tamed and brought under control in order for it to be useful to the person. Sometimes I think people actually have powers that they don't understand or utilize fully. If they did, they'd be considered far more powerful than they are. Do you have a quality that, if tapped or enhanced, would be magical? What if you could just embellish it a tiny bit? (Hmmmm...the possibilities are verrrrry interesting.......)

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