Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Hey everybody (especially Leslie cuz she posted)!

someone else posted! it made me happy! YAY!
i would have to agree with Leslie: it is very depressing that no one posts anymore. alas. you MUST post! the force of the BLOG and the BOOK REVIEW GROUP compels you!
yes, as you may be able to tell, i have too much energy and nothing to do with it right now. study hall hasn't even started and i am pretty much done with my homework! i'll have nothing to do for two hours! AHHH!
oh well, i'm at the library so i'm sure that i'll be able to find some way to amuse myself.
i'm considering posting my annoyance with both the democratic and republican parties. hmm... do i wish to create controversy?
YES, of course i do! why bother asking?!

okay, here goes:
Both party the Democrats and Republicans have very similar views on issues (many of which i don't agree with) and thus, i am annoyed.
for example, they both support the death penalty, neither party wants to address global warming, and such. (the Green Party is interesting, by the way... i had to do a report on them for government class...)

it would be cool if people would respond to this, and we can get the "talking to people" part of the blog going again cuz that's fun (and because i really don't think that you want to read me ramble about nothing on a daily basis)

so, what books have been recommended? i want some books to read in my free time that i don't have! ;)

See Ya!
no one writes anymore! its so depressing!
i started reading it and i was like omg! Elenore is the only person who types
so yea
Hi elenor!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

here is my contribution to the book review group this week. Biting the Sun by Tanith lee is really good. I'm not quite done yet, but so far i'd say it deserves a gold sticker. and the book Winesburg, Ohio is really weird, but kinda cool.
When does the Trickster's Queen come out? i must know! i'm rereading the tricksters choice, as i wait impatiently for the next part of the story. so if anyone knows please tell me!
also, if anyone knows when the fall festival of plays is please post it on the blog because if possible, i intend to go see it. :) sadly i don't think i'll be able to invade a book review group meeting when i have my first vacation/ long weekend type thing, because there is no wednesday then. alas. perhaps i can come and visit over thanksgiving break or christmas break or something like that.
alas, for now i must go continue my homework.

See ya!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

i think my personal blog has officially died. alas... i got writers block and couldn't figure out what to do with the story. although i think it would be cool if i could think of anything to write. maybe it will come to me in a dream... hmm...
Does any one know when the new Tamora Pierce book comes out? i know its soon, but when?! i must read it! does any one have any other books to recommend? or any interesting philosphical discussion stuff? if i think of a good topic, i'll let you know.

See Ya!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Hi All,
I'm posting from Brownsville, Kentucky at their amazing little public library. (Yeay, public libraries!)
We dropped off Anna at University of Chicago the other day and are enjoying the sights and peculiarities of the Mammoth Caves National Park. It really is spectacular. Caverns are cool - in more ways than one!

Eleanor, I think part of the lack of activity on this blog is that I need to RE-introduce our slacker book group folks to the concept of the blog. It can really be fun if we can get some action going. I won't be back in Duxbury until the 27th so don't expect more than Ida and Matty to post until then. Hey, maybe smeone is reading this and will surprise us! Won't that be nice!

Matty, I gave your name and phone # to Elaine, our director, since she asked me for an eleventh grader who might be interested in being on the Long Term Planning Board of the library. It shouldn't be too much work and it will look GREAT on your college applications...... Hope that was Okie Dokey. Say, by the way, did you guys make it to the beach last Wednesday?

See y'all in a couple of licks. (Catch the Kentucky slang goin' on?)

Monday, September 20, 2004

no one's posting.
don't make me boycott posting! ;) (actually, i probably wouldn't do that because i'd get too bored...)
but really, i think that the last three or so posts have been by me, and its kinda sad, in my opinion.
so i think i'll send the book review group a (long) email in the near future, cuz i'm cool like that.... yeah.
so you should all post! (i refuse to let the blog die! after all, i got most of you to start posting in the first place.) ;)

see ya!

Friday, September 17, 2004

i'm bored! i have nothing to do until 10:50!
what books have been recommended rececently?
i think that more people need to post on the blog... its the only way i can talk to most of you!
I may e able to come back and visit duxbury sometime in the middle of october. (i think that the weekend might be the 16th of october, or something around there.)
if anyone knows when the Fall Festival of Plays is, please tell me! it would be much appreciated.
so, how the new schedule working out? does it still suck as much as it did at first? (if so, i am very sorry...).

see ya!
i'm bored! i have nothing to do until 10:50!
what books have been recommended rececently?
i think that more people need to post on the blog... its the only way i can talk to most of you!
I may e able to come back and visit duxbury sometime in the middle of october. (i think that the weekend might be the 16th of october, or something around there.)
if anyone knows when the Fall Festival of Plays is, please tell me! it would be much appreciated.
so, how the new schedule working out? does it still suck as much as it did at first? (if so, i am very sorry...).

see ya!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

wow, my sense of time is dead! i have been at school for about three weeks, but it doesn't feel like three weeks. and i can't decide if it feels like more or less time than that. i think it is both, which makes no sense to anyone but me... i'm confusing myself... i'll stop now.
anyway, has anyone read the short story "yellow wall paper"? its really weird, and kinda cool... its about a lady who has postpartum depression. so her husband, who is a doctor takes her to the counrty to get well. but they stay in a room with very disturbing yellow wall paper. eventaully she thinks she sees some one trapped behind the pattern in the wall paper. it turns out that she is the one who is trapped. its a cool, but really weird story.
sadly i have very little time to read on my own... alas.
so hmm... what else have i to say?
grr! i'm still jelous of you guys for getting to meet Tamora Pierce! grr... oh well.
so... "The Raven", by Poe, is really cool. it has a really cool rythm and rhym scheme. yeah, i sound like a dork, but i care not!
so if your planning any trips in the near future, tell me. perhaps i'll be able to meet you guys somewhere...

See ya!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

It's good to hear from Eleanor!
We miss you but are glad to know you're still just a "click" of the mouse away.
I am getting ready to embark on my ten day vacation out to the Heartland of America.
Dropping Anna off at Univ. of Chicago, then on to points unknown.... We were planning to venture southward and explore Mammoth Caves in Kentucky, but Ivan the Terrible to marching ever northward, bringing rain, wind and flooding in his wake. I think Canada is looking better and better...!
Talking to Tamora Pierce about the use of magic got me to thinking. Many is the time I've wished for a bit of magic to get me out of a situation or two. She emphasized that she doesn't use magic as an "escape hatch." That's just too easy and not realistic. Instead, she sees magic as just another part of someone's personality - frequently one that needs to be tamed and brought under control in order for it to be useful to the person. Sometimes I think people actually have powers that they don't understand or utilize fully. If they did, they'd be considered far more powerful than they are. Do you have a quality that, if tapped or enhanced, would be magical? What if you could just embellish it a tiny bit? (Hmmmm...the possibilities are verrrrry interesting.......)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

so, whats up?
yes, i know i need to post more often. i think my last post was sometime perhaps two weeks ago... or some such thing.
anyway how is life?
i haven't been able to read much because i've been busy. i want my free time back! (okay, so i never really had any to begin with. actually now that i think about it, i may have more free time here than i did at home... thats not the point!)
school is good for the most part, at times it is stressful, but alas that is the way school is...
send me some philosophical questions, for they are most amusing. i can contemplate them during study hall whan i finish my homework early.

see ya!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Hi All -
Some of us went up to Boston to visit Tamora ("Call me Tammy") Pierce. She was a riot. She talked about how she comes up with her characters (clips cool looking picture of people out magazines and uses them as models) and how plot is actually way trickier to get right than characters.

She also told us that she is going to be writing a book that comes out FIRST as a full cast audio CD before it is pbulished as a printed book! This is kind of weird but she's a good friend of Bruce Coville who is now publishing audiobooks of full cast productions of books already written, and it seems to be the next best thing.

I went to a cool music festival yesterday - The Rhythm and Roots Festival - in Rhode Island. It was really fun. A lot of dancing and eating of Cajun cooking. Next week I drive out to Chicago to take Anna to college. University of Chicago starts late. It sounds kind of like Eleanor's school in that it has 3 terms and people only take 3 to 4 courses at a time. Lots of reading, though.

See y'all on Wed.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

i'm sorry your new schedule sucks... 'tis sad.
my schedule is quite weird. there are 3 terms and only 2 classes per term... and theres lots and lots of homework. ah alas....
but anyway, I have school tomorrow, which is annoying cuz its a holiday. at least I get to sleep late.
and hmmm... what else have I to say. i know not.

see ya!

Friday, September 03, 2004

No one is writing, which makes me sad....
please write and post on the blog! for I must ahve a away to takl to people!

See ya!

P.S. How is school, with eth new chedule and all?