Friday, July 09, 2004

Hey everyone,
I just want to say to anyone who has seen farenhight 911 that alot of the facts they say bush new about alqueda isn't true.
I myself haven't seen it but I've read sevral reviews and herd alot of opinions from normal people and basically the movie is like totally anti-bush. Alot of the facts arn't true or they're more detailed and clear in the movie than they were in real life. I'm just saying this because I have alot of anti-bush friends in and out of the book club and personally i don't hate bush.Many people say he shouldn't of attacked right after 9/11 but what would you of done if you were president? It was either attacking or risking being attacked again killing more innocent citizens. And he didn't make the choice alone, there was congress and everything. So for all those people who hate bush can you honestly think of anything better he could of done? I'm only saying this because alot of people hate bush but its not like he's not just trying to do the right thing by his country. Farenhight 911 is a hate bush movie and i can see exactly why its rated R.

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