Monday, July 26, 2004

Hi fellow Bookmarks -
The deal with the LOTR is this: We can't do the late night event, so I got tickets for Thursday, August 19th at 5:30 p.m. We 'll be back by 8 p.m. so if anyone wants to organize a sleepover among friends, that's up to you. I'm kind of arguing with the Museum over the ticket price as they sent me a confirmation for a $5 prixe, but now they want to charge us $20/each, which is the regular ticket price.
I'll try to sort all that out by Wed.s meeting.
I have permission slips so anyone wanting to go needs to get one signed and turned in.
The good thing about this date is that Eleanor can some with us.....Yeay!

Friday, July 23, 2004

starting tommorrow, i will be unable to post anything on the blog for about a month *tear*. (i'm off to music camp)

anyway, i have recently come to the following conclusion (with the help of my sister's obsession with "Wicked"): Glinda (the "good" witch) was a backstabbing traitor, Dorothy was evil, and Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West), was horribly misunderstood and really cool! and everyone in Oz is very confused, very, very confused...
although this may seem extremely random, my sister recently got the "Wicked" soundtrack and has been listening to it most of the day. and i feel i must point this out: people are sympathizing with the wrong characters!
and i have a question for anyone who has read or seen "Wicked": who is the Tinman, really? (i think i know, but i'm not sure. since i have yet to read the book, which might be entirely different from the musical anyway. but at the monent that is beside the point...)
and does anyone know what the Wicked Witch of the East did to be considered wicked anyway? i am slightly confused...
and while we're on the topic, in the "Wizard of Oz" what did the wicked witch do anyway? i know she sent flying monkeys after Dorothy and her companions, but they were coming to kill her... wouldn't you send flying monkeys after someone coming to murder you in your own home...
i'm done now... for the time being...
okay, i do sound a bit obsessed at the moment... oh well...
i do belive i must read "Wicked" now...

see ya at Lord of the Rings!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I think Matty is onto something here....
You guys make your plans accordingly.
Anyway, remember our discussion yesterday about why literature matters?
Here is the passage I was looking for in "Reading Lolita in Tehran" :
"Nabokov (the author) calls every great novel a fairy tale....(they) abound with frightening witches who eat children and wicked stepmothers who poison their beautiful stepdaughters and weak fathers who leave their children behind in forests. But the magic comes from the power of good, that force which tells us we need not give in to the limitations and restrictions imposed on us by McFate, as Nabokov called it. Every fairy tale offers the potential to surpass present limits, so in a sense the fairy tale offers you freedoms that reality denies..." She goes on to say how powerful it is to read life and freedom affirming literature in a society which imposes inhuman restrictions on its citizens. Reading such things is an act of treason, a defiance that can be punished by rape or murder - and still she and her friends do it. They feel compelled to do to to affirm their link (their place on the human family) with the rest of the world........Scary to think about, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

i think i might be able to come to book review tommorrow! :) i'm going to be in duxbury for some of the day, and i think i might be around at four.... it is at four, right?

see ya!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

I'm going to say my thing for the deep and meaningful question ms. ellen posted. so here goes...
literature and reading is nessecary for our culture to be functioning properly. reading fiction can make you think about things that have happened and how they could have been different and how they could be changed. For example, the book, to kill a mockingbird, was about an event similar to something that actually happened. the book tells about the trial of a black man acused of rape (this took place during the 30's). however, there was a good deal of evidence saying that he didn't committ the crime. but he was convicted anyway. hearing about an event like this form the point of view of a person with opinions about it, is much different from hearing about it from an emotionless news person. when reading a book, you become emotionally involved with the characters, when you hear about a unjust or disturbing event, you think about it more than if all you are told is a brief summary.
reading books give the reader acess to many different piont of view, and this helps each person form thier own thoughts opinions and values. if that is taken away, people can become much easier to controll. if you are only showed one side of a story, then, you will believe that that is how it really happened.
i hope thats clear enough...
i'll probably think of more to say later.

see ya!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Here is one of the questions I want to consider next week at our meeting:
According to the latest survey (NEA,2004), people are reading less and less fiction. They are playing video games, surfing the net, reading some non-fiction, watching TV, and generally being lazy. Big surprise.
My question is this: does it matter if people are no longer reading novels? What purpose do novels and poetry play in our culture?

I just read a terrific book called, "Reading Lolita in Tehran," by this Iranian English professor who had this incredible experience teaching American and English novels in the totalitarian, fundamentalist Islamic Republic of Iran. She had to do it in secret, hoping that she would not be found out and put in jail (rape and torture could follow). She eventually moved to Virginia and now teaches there.
She feels strongly that there is wisdom and insight in literature that is not accessible in other formats. Do you agree or disagree? Do we need literature to be a civilized society, or is it just fun but not really essential?
We'll talk about this next week.....
i'm happy! (can you tell?)
i might be able to come to the LOTR trip! Yay!
i finished the first sandman comic book, very cool, now i must go borrow the next book, from my neighbor...
i need to update my blog... hmm perhaps i should do that now... i kinda started writing something else and stopped writing my blog story. its hard to write two things at once.

some one please send me a thought provoking question that i can ponder when i am really BORED. thanx!

and now i'm going to sound really dorky, but who cares! does anyone have a copy of "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics", or know where i could locate a copy of it? i'm going to read Beowulf (again) and i wish to look at that book. I tried to find it in my local library system, but i failed... 'tis sad.

see ya!
Stop everything.
The LOTR trip is off in its current manifestation.
We do not have permission to hold a library-hosted trip of this nature and do a sleepover at the library. I'm sorry, guys, but it really is too much to ask and plan.
Now I am devising an evening trip perhaps later in the month of August so Eleanor, among other LOTR fans, can come with us. It would make a nice final event with her. So Eleanor, give us your Duxbury August dates again so we can make an alternative plan.
By-the-way, I have some really thought-provoking questions to bring up at the next Wed. meeting regarding the value of reading literature in our lives.... Come ready to really get a good discussion going!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

i am very sad...
i can't come with you guys to the LOTR trip, and you get to go on opening day! (i'm soooooooo jealous! grrr...) :(
and i just went to the sci-fi convention to check the dates, and then i check the northfield calendar, to see if i could come, but it a closed weekend, and i'm not allowed to leave school! *whines a bit more* (i'm more jealous now....) :(
anyway, on a slightly more happy and interesting note, i started reading the Sandman comic books, by Neil Gaiman. I'm almost done with the first one. i'm enjoying it... anyone who likes dark, disturbing fantasy, would like these books.

see ya

p.s. does anyone know where i could find a copy of "Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics" by J.R.R. Tolkien that i could borrow. i've been looking for a copy, but i can't seem to locate in the cape cod library system... it is very sad. (i know i sound like a dork right now, but that's ok with me!)
Gee, I guess Emma has an opinion about this movie! I did have to edit your posting, Emma, (F*** word) because we really can't condone bad language on the library web site. It's OK to have strong feelings, just express them a bit more tactfully, please!

Let's not forget that this issue (the war, the Bush administration, etc) is pretty controversial, so we need to be aware that thoughtful people may disagree about this. I don't want anyone to feel intimidated to express a differing opinion, so let's keep it straight and express ourselves honestly, but in good taste.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I'm at the Ref. Desk today, so I happened to surf by the Museum of Science LOTR web page and GUESS WHAT! They are having a Grand Opening in the middle of the night on Sat-Sun. July 31 - Aug.1 so I immediately got us 16 teen tickets and 4 adult! They are only $5 each! They encourage folks to come in costume!!!!! We'll be there from 12:30 A.M. until about 3-4 a.m. then drive home and crash.
I called Emma's Mom ASAP and she's OK with driving up and I'm sure I can get my girls to drive in, so we need a couple other parents to go, too. What do you say?
Leslie -
It is good to have you back!
As far as Fahrenheit 9-11 is concerned, the facts Michael Moore presents are pretty well documented. The film certainly is an opinion piece in that it has a strong view that it is aspousing and uses the facts that back that view up, but it is hard to dispute the record. It would be good to see the film before you comment on it. Hope you can.
See you on Wed. at 4 p.m.!
I am reading some historical fiction now, but just finished "The Gospel According to Larry," by Janet Tashjian, which was terrfic. The sequel just came out and we're getting it ASAP.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Hey everyone,
I just want to say to anyone who has seen farenhight 911 that alot of the facts they say bush new about alqueda isn't true.
I myself haven't seen it but I've read sevral reviews and herd alot of opinions from normal people and basically the movie is like totally anti-bush. Alot of the facts arn't true or they're more detailed and clear in the movie than they were in real life. I'm just saying this because I have alot of anti-bush friends in and out of the book club and personally i don't hate bush.Many people say he shouldn't of attacked right after 9/11 but what would you of done if you were president? It was either attacking or risking being attacked again killing more innocent citizens. And he didn't make the choice alone, there was congress and everything. So for all those people who hate bush can you honestly think of anything better he could of done? I'm only saying this because alot of people hate bush but its not like he's not just trying to do the right thing by his country. Farenhight 911 is a hate bush movie and i can see exactly why its rated R.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

i'm BORED! yeah, so any thing new and exciting happen at book group?
i'm trying to start my summer reading, but it is very difficult. I don't want to read stuff someone tells me to read! I want to choose my own books! (okay, i'll stop whining now...)
so keep me posted as to when the trips and stuff are happening.
anyway, what's up with the progressive novel?

See ya!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I'm so bored right now. I'm trying to figure out if there is Bookclub today or not. If there is, I'm coming. If there's not, well, then I have more free time to be bored. Lucky me. I think I'm gonna go play Puggle right now which is this really stupid game I like on, if any of you are interested. Blah. Camp starts in like, a little over a week, and parents keep yelling at me to read the play. I will read it...just having too much fun being bored right now.

Yeah, so blah. If anyone is able to locate Ida, get her address and phone number for me. I have some serious yelling to do, because she left me for the summer.

Lotsa love,

Saturday, July 03, 2004

i am going to make a movie for the southshore video contes. but I need people to help me with infront of the camera things like acting! and Someone to help me write it! so if ur interested in helping me contact me on my e-mail at

Katie Sullivan
P.S. I need your response A.S.A.P. Thanx again.
i am going to make a movie for the southshore video contes. but I need people to help me with infront of the camera things like acting! and Someone to help me write it! so if ur interested in helping me contact me on my e-mail at

Katie Sullivan
P.S. I need your response A.S.A.P. Thanx again.

Friday, July 02, 2004

IM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!! who else is bored? if you are bored to call me and we can have a boring get togather YAY!please oh and by the way more people need to come to book review !!!!!!!!!!!! okay goodbye now!
I see that it sounds like we're goig on a trip next week. No. We are merely planning our trip next week. I can't take you guys to Fehrenheit 911 myself as it is R-rated (Lord only knows why) and you have to be accompanied by your parent(s).
I was suggesting that we go out to Rutland, MA to see the cool and (somewhat) weird animals that we might purchase for our Heifer Project friends in far off countries....
It will have to be on a day that I don't have to be on the Reference Desk - which is only Mondays....! So I guess we will have to go on a Monday.Let's talk about it on Wed. PM.
what is this trip you speak of? I think i can come. (is this the Fahrenheit 9-11 trip?)
has anyone read the Invisible man (by Ralph Ellison) of This Boy's Life (by Tobias Wolff)? I have to read them for summer reading. just wondering i they are good. and i get to read Mists of Avalon for summer reading because i get to choose one of my three books myself, that made me very happy ;).

see ya later!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Welcome back Leslie, Marlana, and Julie!
Let's see. I get the impression that the trip to Colorado wasn't too bad (understatement of the year). We already have ZAZOO in our collection and it's been on the new book carousel for a looooong time. I'm really glad you liked it! White water rafting IS great. I've done it a couple of times in Montana. It's like a natural roller coaster!
We had a small but good book group meeting on Wed. We are planning a trip, so for those of you game to go meet us next week on Wed. at 4 p.m. I might be a little late 'cause I've got to take my uncle tot he V.A. hospital in Brockton earlier in the day, but I should be back by 4. Did anyone see Fehrenheit 911 yet? It's pretty amazing.
Hey everyone!
I had an awesome time in colorado! iT WAS TOTALLY wILD! I got to sit in an arch in arches national park and watch it thunder, lightning, and rain about 5 miles away. It was totally awesome. We also got to go to Mesa Verde were there are a bunch of cliff dwellings(for those of you who don't know cliff dwellings are communities like buildings and stuff build into a naturally formed oppening halfway down a cliff). It was the coolest thing. We got to climb up 600 feet all at one point and if you fell you were climbing up an almost flat space besides from foot and hand holes so chances of survival or avoidance of seriouse injury were low. IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!! Everyone in our girl scout troop like flipped out every time we went climbing on high hights but i loved it (doont you dare deny that julie and marlana cause its true). I LOVE LOVE LOVE high hights and I want to go back to Crested Butte to go skiing so badly! We also got to ride up on the ski lift. That was awesome because underneath you there was a 100-200 foot drop at least at all times. I was in paradise. Well thats until we reached the top and had to walk down 4.3 miles and got lost like 3 times and ended up on an extreme sport downhill biking race track. witch was also totally awesome. Before that we went White water rafting which if you dont do once in your life you've missed out!(That gos for you too ellen if you've never gone because my 60 year old girl scout leader even said it was a blast, to put it in her owen words, "Wow I waited till I was sixty to do that! I've missed out!)It would be the oh so coolest thing if the book group took a trip to main and went on class 5 rapids! Anyway those were the highlights of our trip so i wont bore you any longer. Ta-ta
P.S. Ellen if you don't buy the book ZAZOO I will be terribly sorry for all those who don't get to read it. It is an AWESOME book. yes it does deserve awesome in uppercase letters and a gold sticker would look nice on it's cover. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy it when you get the chance I loved it! YOU would too!