Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just got back from seeing the new Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley in Edinburgh. We had mixed feelings about it compared to the BBC version with Colin Firth. Must dissect ad nauseum...

We're coming home tomorrow and have a piece of nasty HP gossip for you, Matty, but you'll just have to wait 'til Wed. to find out. I got a DVD on all the Harry Potter locations which we can screen at our Wed.s meeting.

Northumbria was great! Castles, walking, fish-and-chips, pubs, pubs, pubs. The drinking age is 18 BTY. Anna was soooo funny.

See you all in a couple of days...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Sounds like you had a great trip, Eleanor,
We are putzing around here in Duxbury, enjoying the last free weeks before school starts up again.
I'm excited to see how much reading the YA summer reading program will total. Lots of people participated and some are raising money through the read-a-thon pledging to fund libraries in Afghanistan.
I am going off in a few weeks on my walking trip along the NE coast of Northumbria, England. If you want to get a feel for the area, read Nancy Farmer's new adventure novel, Sea of Trolls.
It is a coast of ancient castles and we will be walking about 61 miles, then taking the train back to Edinburgh. The last castle we visit will be Alnwick (pronounced "annick") which is where the Quidditch matches for hte Harry Potter movies were filmed. It should be good fun!

Have a great year at Northfield/Mt. Hermon and keep in touch!
We need more writers on this blog, guys....

Monday, August 22, 2005

I just go back from Baltimore. ^_^ 'twas much fun. I got to go to an Anime convention. I went to a pannel about my favorite webcomic, "megatokyo". (I recommend it to those of you who like anime). I also saw some of "ranma 1/2", which was very funny. (if the anime festivals are still happening at duxbury, that would be a good anime to show. by the way, if they are still happening, when are they? ,and how often do they happen?).

sadly I doubt that I will make it to duxbury before I have to go back to school. alas, alas. for I have far too much packing to accomplish. **sigh**


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

alas. the blog appears to be dying.
please post, because that would be really cool. I intend to keep posting, and more than likely i shall be mostly ignored... (i would really, really like to be proved wrong). anyway...

as for books i've recently read, i read "Cold Mountain", which was a bit slow at first, and then it got interesting, and it was good up until the last few pages. I didn't like the ending, at all. it was for school, but for a sumer reading book, it was pretty good.
Now i am reading "The Left hand of Darkness" by Ursula k. LeGuin, it is weird, but good. It is about a man who is sent to as an envoy to a planet where the dominate speices is a race of beings who can change their sex at will.

well, i have nothing more interest to say... alas


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

i'm bored. enjoy.

We huddle together closely in our predetermined groups while role call is taken. The faces of those in charge are wearing experssions to melt stone. Once in a while a whisper ripples through the croud, silenced quickly by glares. The clouds drift away from the moon revealing her yellow-gold orb. Watching us. Looking down on us, as though we are little children who have been caught misbehaving and are now about to be punnished. Role call finishes and we begin to wisper amongst ourselves. The alarm blares in the background; it hasn't been turned off yet. We wait. Wondering what is to become of us.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

i am home! so perhaps in the near future i shall find my self at the library. there is book group for all this month right?
i finally have time to read again, any suggestions?
see ya soon

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hey ellen!
I am hopin that I can be @ book club tomorrow! Cnt wait
-andrew Hovey
PS Bring FOOD!!! (If you can...)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hey everyone! Sry I couldn't be @ book club yesterday (oops! - I forgot!) Anyway I hope to see you all @ book club next wed!
-The Hovenator

Friday, May 06, 2005

Hey everyone! Hope to see you soon at Book Club! Make sure to finish up yer posters so that we can finish the line! -Andrew Hovey -AKA. The Hovenator

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


more people are using the blog again, yay! 'tis good indeed!

anyway, i have a book to review. i just read "gifts" by ursela leguin. It was about a boy and a girl who live in a place called the uplands. each family line there has a different "gift" some can make you deaf, some can see into your mind, some can call animals and some can kill you with a glance. The families are often feuding with each other using their gifts as weapons.
The bot, Orrec and the girl, Gry decide that they aren't going to use their gifts to hurt others. Gry won't call animals to be hunted and Orrec is blind folded so that he won't be able to kill with a glance. The story tells what happens in the Uplands because the two, Orrec in particular have refused to use their gifts.
twas a cool book indeed!


p.s. there used to be links to other peoples blogs (ida, mine and matty's) and now i can't find them... (did the blogs die?) if not i think that the links should come back, because i want to read the rest of ida's story and i don't know how to get there. (i should try to finish... and by finish i mean restart... what i started on my blog...)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hi Katie,
It's good to hear from you again!
Tomorrow we'll be talking about the hero in literature. What kind of heroes do we see in old stuff and what kind of heroes are being written about today? Are there heroes in the same sense of the word?
By now, I hope most of you have received the letter about the bottle drive and the 4th of July parade float. We're doing a float with an Indiana Jones theme since the parade theme is, "American Movie Classics." It should be really fun.
Hope to see folks this spring. Stop by even if you're too busy for Wed. aftenoons. It's OK is be a "drop-in" member of the Bookmarks....
Guess what - I'm going to England in Sept. and one the places on my route is Alnwick Castle - which is the film location for Hogwarts... Bless my dorky soul! I guess I'd better read that 6th book before I go....

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hello ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!! how have you been?! WOW!!! its only wednesday this vacation is long !!!!!!!!!!!! so have I missed anything important that you would like to tell me about?

ok just wondering BYE for now!

~ Kt
Hey Matty,
Good call. The B&N party sounds like a winner. Plus, after the 4th of July parade, I think we need to just go to something somebody else has planned. Dress up for sure!
We'll just need to get a few willing parents to drive, but I'm sure that won't be a big problem. Ask your sister for all the details. Does she want us to give her a deposit on the books now?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Wow, Andrew - Good point!
I hope others start writing on our Blog, too.
I just heard from Susie Chang, the Relief International agent in Afghanistan and she is VERY excited about us sponsoring one of their libraries!!!! She even suggests that we read a book together with kids from Afghanistan. Here is her message:

Dear Ellen,

Apologies for my delay in response. I am thrilled to hear that you and “the Bookmarks” are taking the initiative to get involved in this program! It is great to know that there are youth in the US that are interested and committed to assisting people in other countries through education.

You mentioned that you would like to see the library be a public community library, expanded from a library with access to members of the school. We will work with the Ministry of Education to select a school that would be best for this goal, as typically schools are restricted to the teachers and students. Is your group interested in focusing on either a boys’ or girls’ school?

I plan on visiting the Ministry of Education tomorrow and if all goes well I will have a better idea of which schools will work best for ensuring open community access. It may turn out that we can expand on an existing library by providing more books for a wider audience, or holding community events. Also I would like to pair you with a school that has students and involves community members who can read and write English, so that communication beyond photos is possible. Perhaps we can even start cross-border book clubs! The English reading level will vary of course, but I’m sure we can find a book to match the interests of readers in both countries. Another idea is to have students read books about the culture of the other country and correspond about what they learned and ask about the reality of the accounts.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Please do let me know if there was anything else you see as a priority in terms of who is able to benefit from this library. I will be sure to keep you updated as we identify an appropriate school, and send photos. When is the bottle drive scheduled to begin? I definitely want to provide you with information and photos about a specific school as soon as possible, but also want to make sure we identify one appropriate for the library you envision.

Thank you again for your message and commitment Ellen. I look forward to working with you to make all this a reality. I’ve attached a few photos of some of the schools with libraries we’ve set up thusfar.
All the best,


Susie Chang
Education Program Officer
Kabul, Afghanistan
For Some reason my last blog message was not sent... Anyway Ellen I'll see you tommorrow @ the Library for poster.
Andrew Hovey
Why isn't anyone writing anything?????!!!!! Blog is pretty cool! Well anyway I'm gonna try to go to the Library on Monday 17th 2005 - That was for you to see Ellen... Anyway I want to work on my poster (math, dragon, skulls, etc.) SEE YA TOMORROW ELLEN!
-Andrew Hovey

Friday, April 08, 2005

Hey Y'all its Lil' Andy sayin thanks to all the little people who helped me become Mrs. America!!! JK JK JK. Wel im workin on making a pic for the t-shirt! any ideas? if you have any give me a buzz at:
see y'all later!
-Andrew Martin Lagerstedt Hovey...

Sunday, March 13, 2005


I just got back from Toronto! it was cold...
I got to see "Wicked". It was really good!! sets and costumes were really cool! the ending was completely unexpected! thats alway fun :)

I started reading Evangelion recently. I got up to the 6th book, but they didn't have any more of the series at my library. Its very good but a bit confusing... and it has alot of symbolism in it.

see ya!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Hey -
The trustees have given us the OK to "build" a library in Afghanistan!
I am working on finding out how to get the right books and other materials for it but now we can plan our totally cool events to snag money out of the pockets of our elders: car wash, bake sale, penny drive, book & yard sale..... It promises to be an exciting spring and summer!
By-the-way, Razia is going out to California soon to try to get the writer of the Best-selling Afghan novel, The Kiterunner, to come to Duxbury to talk! If you haven't read this excellent novel, you are in for a rare treat. It is a bit yellow dot, but mostly in what it implies, not so much in the graphic detail......
I think we should get some magazines in our Afghan library, not just books......

Friday, February 04, 2005

I just finished the 2nd Abarat book. I thought this was the last one... but it didn't really end, so i assume that there will be more... yay!! it was a good book.
I started reading Ender's Game, but haven't gotten very far.

the phantom of the opera looks really good! i must see it some time...

See ya!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Hi All -
Wow - We had 30 inches of snow at my house. Couldn't (or didn't want to) get out of my driveway today. Read the Michael Printz award winner - How I Live Now by Meg Rossoff - very impressive. Also currently reading The Faery Wars which is an action-packed adventure. We did the Michael Drout lecture with standinf room only. He was his usual great self. I think this has to be annual, as he is so inspirational a lecturer. Next year maybe I'll ask him to talk again about the Great Vowel Shift and the whole obsession Tolkien had with language.......
I'm looking into getting someone to come and talk to us about a powerful topic again. Similar to having the Socrates Cafe like we had last year..... What do you all think?
weeee!! snow!!!
i hear that in duxbury, you got even more snow than we did here...
anyway... on the subject of books, The second Abarat book is quite good... I should actually have time to read today, as i have very little homework due on monday. Then I plan to read "ender's game" one of my friends leant it to me and has been bothering me to read it for a while. It sounded cool though.
so, have anything new and exciting happened since i visited??
other than the snow, there's not much new exciteing stuff here...

see ya!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hey Everybody!
Didja know Matty was interviewed by the Boston Globe about Harry Potter? She's our resident expert now. I saved a copy of the article for you, Matty.
I'm reading a really fun, clever book that's light but honest: "The Schwa was Here," by Neal Schusterman. He's written a lot of other YA novels, but I haven't gotten to them yet. Judging from this one, though I want to take a further look.
Does anyone want to help out the library by attending the next Long Range Planning meeting to give the teen perspective? Matty is our official rep., but Elaine says she could use more than one teen for this important committee. They don't meet very often, but a lot rides on what they do - make a plan for the future of the Duxbury Free Library! Please let me know if you are interested.
the next meeting is on Thursday, Juan. 20th at 3:30 p.m. in the Trustees Room behind the YA lounge. Hope to see y'all on Wed.