Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hi Katie,
It's good to hear from you again!
Tomorrow we'll be talking about the hero in literature. What kind of heroes do we see in old stuff and what kind of heroes are being written about today? Are there heroes in the same sense of the word?
By now, I hope most of you have received the letter about the bottle drive and the 4th of July parade float. We're doing a float with an Indiana Jones theme since the parade theme is, "American Movie Classics." It should be really fun.
Hope to see folks this spring. Stop by even if you're too busy for Wed. aftenoons. It's OK is be a "drop-in" member of the Bookmarks....
Guess what - I'm going to England in Sept. and one the places on my route is Alnwick Castle - which is the film location for Hogwarts... Bless my dorky soul! I guess I'd better read that 6th book before I go....

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