Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hey Everybody!
Didja know Matty was interviewed by the Boston Globe about Harry Potter? She's our resident expert now. I saved a copy of the article for you, Matty.
I'm reading a really fun, clever book that's light but honest: "The Schwa was Here," by Neal Schusterman. He's written a lot of other YA novels, but I haven't gotten to them yet. Judging from this one, though I want to take a further look.
Does anyone want to help out the library by attending the next Long Range Planning meeting to give the teen perspective? Matty is our official rep., but Elaine says she could use more than one teen for this important committee. They don't meet very often, but a lot rides on what they do - make a plan for the future of the Duxbury Free Library! Please let me know if you are interested.
the next meeting is on Thursday, Juan. 20th at 3:30 p.m. in the Trustees Room behind the YA lounge. Hope to see y'all on Wed.

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