Monday, October 25, 2004

Here is the plot synopsis so far. I couldn't get all of it as we have some discrepancies in our text, but Katie knows FAR more about how it all fits together than I do. Just sayin'.....
Teen Novel Plot Synopsis:

Book 1: “The Story of the Life you Don’t Want to Live”

Kyle is in her senior year. She’s a girl from a poor family, lives with her father and is in love with the most popular guy in high school. Her mother died in child birth with her, dad wanted a boy, so named her “Kyle.”

Her best friend is named Jean (pronounced as the French) he’s a guy and a trekkie. (StarTrek fan)

The Popular Guy is going out with Kyle’s ex-best friend, Jessica. Jessica turns out to be a lesbian and has a crush on Kyle.

Kyle has a locket from her mom that she can’t open.

She starts abusing drugs and cutting herself. Has sex with popular guy and gets pregnant. He leaves her immediately. In her sorrow and pain, she has a fling with Jessica has a miscarriage and ends up in a coma. While in the coma, Kyle’s dad dies. When Kyle wakes up from coma she has partial amnesia and is very confused. “”Feels like a broken typewriter without a click.”

Book 2:

Main character is Jerry. Jerry wears a trenchcoat and was molested by his parents. He is confused about his sexuality and joins a Trekkie cult of “True Believers in order to fit somewhere. He lives near a railroad track and thinks about leaving every time he hears a train whistle blow.

He is gay and has a crush on Jean, Kyle’s best friend. One day Jerry gets his legs cut off by a train. He is maimed but does not die.

The cult of Trekkies make him endure a ritual ceremony that involves stabbing…..

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