Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i am jelous, for you get to meet Tamora Pierce, and i am unable to leave school. *grr!* alas...
i don't really have anything new and exciting to say (since yesterday)...
so, i think i'll post the very begining of one of my numerous stories. comments and constructive criticism are welcome. sugestions are much appreciated.
here it is:

I clutched my fiddle case and dashed out of the house.
That thoughtless, inconsiderate, uncaring, b----d of a father! How dare he! Angry thoughts exploded in my head. I didn’t want to marry some snot-nosed prince! I couldn’t care less about the family name! My marriage was to save the family. Ha!
He hadn’t even asked me! I might be subject to his decisions, but that didn’t mean I was some mindless creature built to serve the family name. I deserve a say in my future!
My thoughts carried me to the cliff overlooking the ocean. The sky was grey-blue and spotted with lavender-tinged clouds. The sea pounded against the cliffs and shore. Green-blue waves rode beneath caps of white foam. A swift breeze pushed the clouds across the sky.
The top of the cliff was mostly flat, with a few large rocks that stuck up; good for seats. moss carpeted most of the top. I sat down on a rock and took out my fiddle. I set my bow to the strings and began to play. At first a fast angry melody, then melting into a sad haunting one. The music asked what will become of me? Why? Why didn’t I have a choice?
I played and played until the sun had set below the horizon.
Music was really the only way I could say what I wanted to say, not what others thought I should say. My true voice.
I was getting dark. With regret, I packed my fiddle away and turned reluctantly toward home. I dreaded facing my father.

i know the editing out at the top is odd, and possibly unnessicary, but i'm not sure whats appropriate for this site. (and i don't want to get in trouble with my school)
see ya!

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