Friday, April 30, 2004

Leslie, your story was COOL!

hehehe! Ms. Snoeyenbos has very good news for all you guys! 'tis most amusing! but, I'm not going to tell you! ;) You must to hear fromm Ms. Snoeyenbos!

My little sister, Addy, has something to say: "Two words:Hi!" (^_^)

Anyway, see ya at book review group!


Thursday, April 29, 2004

Leslie -
That was a cool piece.
So was Matty's.
This blog will make it easier for us to copy and paste stuff into our literary journal. Anyone want to volunteer? It would mean just sitting down at my machine some day and copy/pasting it into the format I've already got set up......
See you guys next week.
P.S. Did yo meet yesterday? I am at this conference and have a BIG presentation to make today. ARGH. I hope all my equipment works.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

The smoke drifted around in the room. You could see it around the dim glow of the few lamps set around the bar. Many a person sat drinking but oddly silent as a girl about eighteen stood at the small stand up podeum. They anticipated that she would ing. She was nervouse and had sung befor but nothing of her own heart's creation. This was a Rosey original. She cleared her throat, "Hello everyone." She heard quiet chatting as it began again in the beat up sofas surrounding the stage. She felt so small and alone standing an the stage yet she got up the corage to say before she began to sing, "This is the first of my songs that i actually wrote." She herd scattedred applause as she began the song. She had poured her heart and soul into this paper and as she sang her beautiful voice filled the room. People sat quietly taking in the sound of a sad soul. And as she neared the last stanza of her song people began to clap. She smiled and no longer felt so lonely. Then as her voice died away clapping filled the room and she was swept away by a stranger asking to buy her a drink. She accepted a drink from this dark complexioned starnger. He was handsom enough for anyone to admire with dark green eyes and dark bron hair and a pretty smile. She thought she had just met another friend.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Hi I was at my dad's all week and I didn't get a chance to post. How is everybody? I am still working on that story. I don't have anything yet. Hey, guess what, I am reading a book. Counter Attack. Not so bad so far. It is about war and aliens and stuff.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Did I mention that Terry Pratchett will be at the Sci Fi Convention, too?
I just dropped off Jeremiah at the train back to Bean Town.
Wow, what a fun day I had with some of you doing video stuff!
I hope you got some ideas and will get those mental gears churning...

Emma, Eleanor and I emailed the Sci Fi convention that is coming to Boston over Labor Day weekend to see if we could get a group rate.
They emailed back and said we could get a one-day pass at a much reduced rate. They suggested watching to see when Tamora Pierce is speaking and come in for that day!!!!
Whadiya think?
why doesn't anyone post anymore? i come on and everyone runs away? *cries* ah well. amybe i'll post a poem later. ida's over and i'm probably boring her. we were gonna shoot some shots for our video, but my dad won't let us use the camera. bye bye for now.

<3 emma

words from ida- t0d4y w45 funnnnn... bl000000000p...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

im bored. mom yelling at me about violin. i wanna get away from home. can i runaway to someone elses house?
hello. i'm at the library wth eleanor and ellen, but nobody else came to book group. where are the rest of you?

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

hmmm i still dont have a nickname that I like... i want something that i could even use outside of book group... preferably without the word 'the'... i guess... i dunno..

i made kitty ears... im so proud of them...

mmmmyea... how bout... i dunno...
im out... g2g update the ol' livejournal...

i have an awesome book to recommend! its called

the true story of hansel and gretel
by .... i forget... something murphy... i think...

yea its really good, its about the last few months of nazi occupied poland, and two children are 'abandoned' and are found and taken in by an old woman called witch by the locals. the parents are on a crusade of sorts, and the father is always looking for his children.

i havent finished it yet, but its reeeeeeeeeeeeeally good so far...


ima gonna�go now...

so there is book review group tomorrow...that's good!
and now a poem...

"what if"...
two simple words
echoing off the walls of fate already sealed
bubbling with wishes to change the past
heavy with the dread promise
that history is static
murky possiblities
become crystal clear as time passes
and "what if" returns
a haunting presence
what if...

well, that was pretty random, and i just made it up. :)
anyway, see you tomorrow!
Sorry, Matty!
My tired old eyes are deceiving me.
Good going, British Pirate!
t'was mattys poem
Wow, Ida, cool poem!
It really feels right to me after the last few days when we could actually go outside and spend some time there.... Anyone else have a poem or story? I think we should resurrect our journal again...I'll start compiling the stuff off this blog whcih makes re-typing not an issue (let's remember how badly I botched that last time...!) Keep up the good work!
I will be around this Wednesday if people want to get together to talk at our usual book group time and place, so yeah, let's have a meeting.
I have just read "The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night" which is this really strange but good book written from the point-of-view of an autisic teenage boy who is trying to figure out who killed his neighbor's dog and why. It's British, (of course) and pretty funny in an odd sort of way. It's a really cool view into the mind of a compulsive math whiz.... I really wouldn't know anything about that, myself!

Monday, April 19, 2004 there gonna be book group on this wednesday?

Sunday, April 18, 2004

at last people are writing stuff! i'm excited.
anyway, i really should attempt my own challenge. I've been trying to think of what to write about (and failing miserably) oh well perhaps i'll be stuck with a brilliant idea later today.
I just finished "Pirates". It was awesome! (I stayed up 'til one this morning to finish it). thanks for recommending it Matty!
okay, now i have music to search for...
Oh! does anyone know if there is book review group this wednesday?

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Wow, Ida is really onto something!
That angel stuff is pretty powerful.
Now, can you get some context into it? It may need to qualify for Eleanor's 100 word story....
What do you think?
Hi Jeremiah and Ida.
Welcome to our small, cramped space on the Internet.
Does it remind you of our meetings?
Many people, not enough chairs?
Hey, don't all talk at once!
It's mighty good to have a quiet repose in which to gather my thoughts.

Well, I am very impressed with this book I'm reading in between reference questions.
"You Don't Know Me" Wow. this book is quite good. I love the guy's sense of irony.
Can you be ironic? I am way...... to earnest to be ironic, but I like to read stuff like that.
It's like, "I don't know much about art, but I sure know what I like and that's not much!"
Anywat, enough about me.
What's everyboy else doing over vacation?
hey bizatches...

I guess this is my new blog that I'll post in every once in a while, but I'll probably forget to... seeing as I already have a Livejournal and a Blurty, but w/e...

So. Yea... .................................................... I really dunno what to write... i could try Ellie's writing thingy... Yea, I think I'll do that...

...The angels' blood was clear and fell from the sky like holy raindrops, spattering lightly onto the heads of those who watched silently below. With broken wings, it tumbled from the sky and landed onto the pavement, defeated. Mortal tears joined the blood, mourning for the death of hope...


Hell yea... 49 words... wow I'm kinda in a lethargic mood... sorry about that everyone... just don't mind me....

Friday, April 16, 2004

Yeay, Matty!
Tell us what you and Lindsey thought of the movie. I love a good romance.
Let's try out Eleanor's challenge - a story in fifty words.
I'm going to be at work tomorrow (Sat.) so maybe, while I'm manning the reference desk, I'll let the creative juices flow...onto the page, that is...!
Don't forget to come to the video workshop on Thurs. from 10 - Noon.
I'm going down to Washington D.C. for a march next Saturday with my older daughter. She and her friends want an "old-time hippie" to go with so they can do all cool chants and yell politically appropriate remarks at the hecklers.....Somehow that's supposed to make me feel OK. I think it's just making me feel old.....
See y'all later.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I really like "Life in a Nutshell"
What did you think?
Good work, Liillian!
I'm thinking of another take on your premise...Just give me a few minutes...
Hi, Bobbie and Leslie! Welcome to our little square of Internet space...
Hey listen, people:
We just got invited to a teen library conference at the Wilbraham Public Library!
Teen Library Groups from all over the state are invited. It's on Sat. May 22 from 1 - 6 p.m.
Unfortunately, I can't go as my oldest daughter is graduating from college that weekend and, needless-to-say I kind of gotta be there...
But that doesn't mean The Bookmarks can't get a couple other adults to take them!
What do you think?
Hi everyone. sorry it took so long for me to get on, I got in trouble because my brother made a mess and I wouldn't pick it up for him he blamed it on my and of course my mom believed him and now I am not aloud to use the computer, but thay are not home so yeah. they just got back got to go

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Hey all you crazy bookmarks! I'm happy to be a blogger personal now! Yeah! hmm I wonder if they have spellcheck on this hmm...... Well today wasn't so bad. I spent half of it in the nurses office but you know its all good. Anyway, afterwards I went to .... Just guess....bookclub! It was so much fun! Well I gotta check out talk to you all later!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

here's an example of some one who has sucessfully completed my challenge.

Life In A Nutshell
Do we really exist? Maybe we are just an illusion. Maybe we are just part of someone’s imagination. Maybe when we think we are asleep we are awake and when we think we are awake we are really asleep. You decide! The fact is, life can’t fit in a nutshell.
by Lillian
this was written by my sister.
so now, I expect to see you posting stuff!

Monday, April 12, 2004

Hey everybody,
ELeanor has just issued a challenge. Anybody ready to respond?
If you are a DFL Bookmark and you want to be a blogger with us, just send me an email and we can set you up!
Ellen is at:

I just finished reading "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" which was really good. It's by the same guy who wrote, "Wicked". now I'm reading, "You Don't Know Me, " which Ida and LEslie read and liked. I am really liking it, too! See you all soon, Ellen

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I see no one has posted since october....
hmmm.... this must change!
anyway, I have a challenge for all of you. *mwahahaha!*
I challenge you to write a story in exactly 50 words. Or if you so choose in exactly 100 words.
this shall be most amusing!
... and yes these stories must make sense!