Wednesday, December 15, 2004

the boston public library take over appears to have been a sucess...
i would post pictures of what i've done in the last... long amount of time, but i have haven't done anything library related and cool, like invading the BPL.
anyway over the weekend my orchestra performed in a christmas service at my school. was really cool, but very tiring. we are perfomring again tomorrow in boston (i'm excited!!) ... and then i get to got home.

i shall see you sometime over break!


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Wes could get very used to this Controller of Destiny out all you peons! Posted by Hello

Somehow, the role if Saints just didn't seem quite right to us.... Posted by Hello

Ellen FINALLY got the Throne of Power. Bow down to She Who is Omnipotent! Posted by Hello

Foresiding is a book illustrating technique that wow-ed us all. Posted by Hello

We find out what it feels like to be a Hebrew prophet in the John Singer Sargent mural paintings... Posted by Hello

Leslie tries out the Chair of Power in Bernie's office. Posted by Hello

The rare collections "keeper" let us hold George Washington's Medal of Honor - the first one ever presented by the United States of America! Posted by Hello

On December 8th, he invited us on a private tour of the BPL as his guests! Posted by Hello

Bernie Margolis, president of the Boston Public Library was our guest during Teen Read Week in October. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

yay for invading the boston public library!
i wish i could have gone :( invading libraries os fun!!
i'm in the processing of convincing my mom to let me go to the LOTR film fest. i don't know if this is possible though, because i have someone coming to stay with me the next day, so as of now, i don't know if it would work, mostly because it involves alot of driving for my parents. but i am coming to a bookgroup meeting, make no mistake! (**evil laughter!**)
i had better get reading so i have something valuable to say when i do show up! :)

see ya (rather soon, actually!)
Hi everybody,
Today is the magical day we get to invade the office of the president of the Boston Public Library.
Yeay! Bernie Margolis is actually a really good sport. He is planning to take us on a tour of the mural rooms, which, by reputation, are fabulous - very ornate and mythological - which we all love.....
Anyway, many of us are looking forward to the awesome LOTR marathon on Wed. of Christmas vacation. Hope you can make it, Eleanor..! Appropriate prizes will be awarded to stellar costume design. This event is not limited to teens, by-the-way, any and all LOTR fans are welcome. IT will start at noon and run until we are done. Whew!
I'll try to post photos from our BPL take-over.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

how is life?

i have been trying in vain to think of a thought provoking question to post on the blog...
i have a passage from a book i may post, if i ever remember to do it when i am near the book.

i am pretty sure that i will be able to visit for either a wednesday meeting, the LOTR film fest, or both. I am looking forward to visiting!! :)

hopefully over the upcoming vacation, i will be able to do some writing that i can post, because thats always fun. i miss reading all the cool stuff people used to write.
i feel very isolated from the coolness that is the book review group.
(i know you are probably getting sick of hearing this, from me, but posting on the blog would be really cool, and very much appreciated. send some deep, though provoking questions my way! :) )

oh!! we have snow here!!! but now its raining. alas.

see ya!